Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bathroom Slip 'n Slide

Oh my dear sweet boy.  All I wanted needed was a quick shower before heading into the office. I figured if I dumped half of your toy chest on the floor that I could squeeze five minutes of time while you sorted through the treasures.   I was wrong. Within a matter of minutes you turned our bathroom into a slip and slide this morning.  Of course you were dressed for the day with a nice dry diaper on. Of course you waited until I got all my hair wet with a nice shampoo lather going. Timing is everything.  I heard a thump so I opened the shower door to see what shenanigans were going on.  You, my dear sweet child, managed to get your hands on the baby shampoo bottle from the counter, throw it on the ground (the thump) to pop it open, and of course finished with a nice squeeze before I could get to you. I run out of the shower soaked from head to toe to grab the bottle from you which only makes the floor situation worse because now the soap and water have mixed.  You dad is not home and you are laughing at the circus show going on before you as we slip and slide all over. You couldn't have been more pleased with yourself and your morning exercise. Here are some pictures of you trying to move off the tile to the carpet after it is all said and done. You had a nice time wriggling around the room while I did my best to was the shampoo remnants out of my hair keeping one eye open!

 Finally on dry land, but not dry clothes. 

Thanks for keeping the morning interesting.  I mean who doesn't love a good slip 'n slide right? 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

10 Months Old

You have been a busy body this month-lots to report.

You dance whenever music is on and sometimes on command. 
You clap your hands and feet together when you are excited...usually in anticipation of food. 
I left you for my first weekend away to celebrate Aunt Alyssa's bachelorette party.  This is the picture your dad sent me Saturday morning.  

You love to get into things you know you are not supposed to be in.  Dog Food is your go to. 
You have started pulling yourself up on anything that you can, but your favorite is the window. 

We celebrated your dad's birthday and first father's day.  

When I sneeze, you meltdown. 
You are like a little gopher. Crawling around with your mouth open ready to bite an unsuspecting victim. It probably didn't help that we egged you on at a birthday party when you chased Brayden and Avery as we laughed and filmed it.  

You love Pouncer and have taken to chasing her around to smother give her hugs. 
She pays me back by coming in when I am rocking you and you are on the verge of closing your eyes. She meows to announce herself and then jumps up on the rocker and puts her furry tail right in your face to wake you up. You proceed to squeal in joy with new found energy, she runs off, and we start the winding down for bed process all over.  What you don't know is she sleeps on the rocker and guards you at nap time so she really secretly loves you. 

Still a water baby. 

You battled a cold again this month as well one front tooth breaking through.  The second is right behind. 
You have some new party tricks: High Five, Waving, and Pointing. 
We say where is the fan and you point up, but I am beginning to think you don't know where there fan is actually located other than up.   
High Five Action shot. 

You love it when you "share" your food with us. You think it is hilarious to offer us food, but take it back when we get close enough to eat it. For now you can keep your mushy graham crackers, but that won't fly once you start eating chocolate. Consider yourself warned. 

We watched the World Cup together....but USA lost.  You took it pretty hard. 

This month's theme: Designer Bib's 

Babies first Selfie? 


You love chasing Murphy around and loving on him. You rub your face on his soft fur and smile.

You are a side and stomach sleeper.  You will sleep anywhere if we let you.

  Sticky Belly Photo Shoot:

Started off strong, until you saw the pool (look at that devious plotting smile on the right.). You almost went in head first causing me to nearly drop my camera in the water trying to fish you out.  

 And so we moved to the grass in a feeble attempt to get some shots of you sitting still.  You proceeded to have as little of your body touching the green misery as possibly.  Nice foot elevation. 

 Mom can we please be finished now?  

You reaction to "just a few more." 

C'mon ...I'm begging here. 

Ok. All finished except the swings of course. 

  Those swings I can handle.......
It's you I am annoyed with right now. 
 Happy Tenth Months to you Maddux Michael!

Fourth of July

Nothing says America like Red, White, and Blue. (and cut off jean shorts...obviously)

You clearly LOVED the hat we got you.  

  Sneak attack from Grandma to get the hat back on.....success.  
Getting back out of the photo in time instead of admiring how adorable you are...not so much 

Fireworks in the distance are pretty and fun and you loved watching from our back porch.  Fireworks within range of actually hearing the pops equals you scaling up me or your dad and burying your face in ours to hide. We got to see your scared face for the first time and so we packed it up and headed to the car to watch the remainder of the show.  Maybe next year you will appreciate the booms, oohs, and ahhs of a firework show.

Happy Fourth of July my patriotic little one. 