Your first bath. I was a bit nervous, but I don't know why because you were a pretty easy going baby up to this point. Regardless, your dad and I decided a tag team effort was needed. So we stripped you down, carried you into the bath, and prepared ourselves for a meltdown. We were pleasantly surprised.
You love bath time so I think it is only logical that you are going to be a water baby. I have high hopes for you. In the news the past few days is a baby who started skiing when he was 7 up for it? You could be the next YouTube sensation.
Hey, maybe you can even teach your dad a few things. I tried to find a picture of him skiing, but it turns out there isn't one. This is the closest I could find...
I like to rag on him for not being able to ski because it could possibly be the ONLY thing I can do better than him when it comes to sports. He beats me at everything from what we call bar sports (pool, darts, cornhole) to actual sport sports like basketball.
Since this picture depicting his skiing skills might make him a little "Angry"...
(this is a story for another day!)
...I will tell you he has mastered the knee board. Here are some shots of his 360 degree turn.
But he will never be like us...
Anyhow, back to bath time. Here are action shots. Your dad washed you down while I was the paparazzi. Why I felt I needed 20+ pictures of your first bath I will never know, but I knew I didn't want to miss the moment.
And because I wanted to be included, some after shots of the proud parents and you. As I look back at the date it is a little worrisome that we waited almost 20 days to bathe you. To ease your mind, we have taken to bathing you much more frequently so you aren't the smelly kid on the block. However, if your farts continue to smell like burnt hair and rotten eggs no amount of bathing will fix that. You think it's pretty funny when you fart and giggle when I tell you that you are stinky. Just like your dad.
First Bath: September 22nd, 2013.
I am loving your blog and all the pics!!!!! :-)