Saturday, May 23, 2015

12-13 Months

This was a big month for you. You are so active and quite hilarious.  You are really beginning to understand things we say and do.  It is so much fun to watch you learn and react.  Something tells me it won't be quite as entertaining when you turn 2.  We really will have to watch ourselves then ;)

You love standing at the window and watching your dad mow the grass as well as being outside when he does yardwork.  You scream and squeal with joy when he walks towards the window and waves to you. You even have two of your very own mowers now.

You love all of your new toys. Kid in a candy store….except you hate sweets so more like Kid in a Field of Green Beans & Carrots.

You like to steal my brush to brush your hair.
You are blowing/throwing kisses and giving kisses on command.  Albeit wide open mouth slobbery ones, but still quite sweet. You can play peek a boo.

You are walking like a mad man.  Everywhere.  You no longer want to be picked up. Pouncer is now your number one target.  You hit another speed when chasing her to give her a hug. She jumps to safety over the gate and you stand patiently waiting for her to come back. 

Of course with walking comes falling.  You have your first big boo-boo.  
Face meet concrete. Concrete this is Face. 

You point and say No, No, No at things you aren't supposed to be touching. And then you proceed to touch them and giggle.

You say vroom for your cars.  You shame point at Murphy when I say “Cool it Mister” as he is barking at you. 

You understand things we tell you. The fireplace isn’t on, but it will be soon and so I told you it was hot and made a tssssssss hissing sound to keep you away. You thought it was hilarious, not dangerous like intended.  You now hiss anytime we say the word hot and then laugh. 

We went to the zoo.  You loved all the animals, but the biggest kick you got was watching me swat at the bees surrounding our lunch.  I mean belly laughing fun we had apparently “Swatting the Bees.” You now know the number one thing you are not supposed to do when bees attack---swat at them.  +5 Parenting points for this mom. 

You tell us when it is time for bed.  You climb up into our laps and start waving goodnight to inanimate objects like the lights.  We tell you to give kisses and hugs goodnight and you do before you beeline to the gate to go upstairs.  It is so sweet.  You take up most of your crib now.  Stop growing and stay small forever please.

Time flies.  You are over a year old.  I cannot believe it.  
Love you Mister. 
September-October 2014