Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One Year Glamour Shots



We made it.  One year old.  

 We thought we should celebrate on your actual birth date which was the Wednesday before your big party.  You didn't take to the cake like we thought you would given your affection for food so far.  Sugar topped with more sugar....what is not to like?!
What I thought would happen....
What really happened...

You hated it!   So I assisted....

We gave you cake each night leading up to your birthday party hoping you would learn to love it by Saturday.  You didn't.  You are your daddy's son...I would never pass on cake :) 

We went with the only theme you could understand....Mickey Mouse.  You love that hot diggity dog song he sings.  

We had lots of people over and you were spoiled!  

We sung happy birthday to you twice,...we forgot to tape the first time.  Shocking! 

You received some awesome toys and clothes.  Since I am writing this well beyond your birthday, I can tell you that you loved EVERYTHING you were gifted.  Off the of my head… you love taking walks in the Blue Car, slam dunking basketballs in your hoop, mowing the carpet/terrorizing the dog with your lawnmower, cruising for chicks in the driveway in your new car, setting up your train only to push it off the tracks, hiding from us in your tent, turning the living room into a party with your noise and light up toys, and so much more.
Some candid shots from the day......

You look scared, but that is because you dad was in control of the remote driving like a mad man. 

Your new Cruisin' mobile. 



Happiest of Birthday's to you buddy!
The best thing that happened to our year is you. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015