Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Baptism Day

We had your baptism scheduled in March, but thanks to a rogue snowstorm we moved it to today:
 May 11, 2014
St. John the Evangelist Church
West Chester, OH

You looked so adorable in your romper and hat that didn't quite fit.
You can thank your dad for that big ole head. 

Your god parents are Aunt Alyssa and Uncle Luke. 

You did amazing for being so very tired. 


Thanks to Aunt Sara for taking photos.
More to come once I get the family photos from other cameras.  Of course the battery died on my camera. 

Everyone came out to support you and you received some beautiful gifts. You had a good time stamping your hand print to each thank you card.  I see a lot of finger painting in your future.

Happy Baptism Day to you sweet Child of God.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

8 Months Old

Well we made it Eight whole months! Your personality develops more and more each day and you are such a little (adorable) person with an attitude. I see trouble maker in your future. When I say "No" to something you are doing, you look at me and then break out in the biggest grin followed with an all knowing (devious) giggle. I can't help but laugh even as you pull out every hair on my head, hit my arm, or bite my leg.

We took you to a restaurant for Aunt Amanda's birthday where you flirted with all the ladies in sight and make quite a ruckus that could be heard throughout the entire place. Inside voices isn't a concept you have grasped. You are a HUGE flirt. You also find yourself rather amusing and can't take your eyes off yourself when faced with a mirror.  We maybe need to work in so humility there kid.

You learned to wave (well backwards at first so you waved to yourself), but you have since turned it around.  You have also noticed that this makes the ladies just go crazy over you. So now you draw them in with a wave, really get them oohing over your ability to clap, and the icing on the cake is the huge grin and beautiful blue eyes that just melt anyone around. Even Pouncer is finally warming up to you. But Murphy still gets the most laughs around our house.  You can be having a breakdown and that silly looking dog just turns your day right around.

You are really babbling a lot more lately. We think you say hi when you wave, but aren't 100% sure. You may have also squeaked out a Da-Da.  Your dad says you didn't, but I think he is just trying to soften the blow of momma not being your first word.  "They" say (and no I don't know who "they" are) that the M sound is a tougher to say than the D. I'm not buying it.  I am not too torn up though because I know once you learn it-you won't unlearn it. I have many years to come of hearing Mom or whatever version you come up with.   We have some fascinating conversations these days, one even lasting a half hour car ride home. You also make "raspberry noises" otherwise known as putting your lips together and spitting/drooling. I caught a nice picture of it.  

You are a rolling machine now. It is astonishing how much ground you can cover these days.  You are ridiculously close to crawling as well. This last week you have really been close to the point of being on all fours all you needed was a back leg move, but it looks like we will have to save that for month 9.


As you can see you hair is still red. Your dad coined a nice quote that finding a left handed red head is like finding a unicorn.  I guess because he is a lefty he is projecting that on you.  We will see. 

You have two bottom teeth and weigh 23lbs or so. 

 Some things you love:
  • Hugs-giving and receiving
  • Attention. You are perfectly content...as long as someone is there to notice you. 
  • Grown Up Food. You are now eating well on people food as well as sharing with Murphy. . Carrots, green beans, mashed pot, bread, eggs to name a few. We hope you keep eating everything without hesitation because you should always try something before you decide you don't like it.  Except corn bread.  That stuff is the worst. 
  • Swinging. Aunt Erin brought over a kiddie swing for you and you are in heaven. 
  • Balloons. But more specifically, Murphy trying to jump and eat the balloons. I taped you in a fit of laughter watching these shenanigans in our home. 

Things you don't like:
  • The vacuum. For some reason after all this time of vacuuming around you since you were born, you are not a fan.  Maybe it was because I hadn't used it in quite some time...oops. 
  • Sleeping through the night.  Now you had a cold and a pretty serious ear infection in both ears so we will give you a pass this month.  
  • That Pouncer won't sit next to you while you stroke grab and pull her hair.
  • Getting your nose cleaned out during a cold . We had to go buy an automatic sucking contraption that plays music to have you sit still. All I can say is it's a good thing you are pretty because that tops the list of disgusting. 

And this Month's Theme:   Drum Roll Please.........Vanity Shirts 

 Admit it...I'm Adorable 
I just love the innocent look on the second picture...it says Who? Me? 


Bananas Over Mommy
Let's face it...who isn't? 

Quite frankly you are and you know it. 

Happy Eight Months my little Unicorn.  
You can thank your dad for that nickname. 
